
CESA 7 iThings User Group

Page history last edited by Keith Schroeder 6 years, 8 months ago




Welcome to CESA 7 Educational Technology Services' iThings User Group!

About this wiki:

"No one has “forgotten” or “left out” anything. You just haven’t added it yet."

--from Alan Levine’s April 6th, 08 “CogDogBlog” post (Alan’s “place to bark about instructional technology”) “The Wiki Way”


The three main goals of this wiki and the related user group are:


1. To serve as a resource for area districts that are implementing or considering implementing devices with the iOS (iPods, iPads, iPhones)

(our discussions may lead us to discover/talk about other devices with similar capabilities


2. To share our expertise--what's working, what's not


3. To provide a forum for questions


We are now on Facebook!

Click the link to get to our page:


Roxann is also on Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/rnys




Will you be ready for this child?


Links to pages on this wiki:


Accessories and Related






Lesson Plans (and other ideas for iOS device use)






Tips and Tricks 

(including the most recent iOS info)


Recommended Apps

     includes survey form for submitting your recommendations




Evaluating Apps Resources-Rubrics and Ideas


Free Apps for Howards Grove iPads Page






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